ND Asia Activities
ND President Delegation’s visit to Asia
Reverend John I. Jenkins, C.S.C., President of the University of Notre Dame, made an official visit to Asia from June 25 to July 4, 2011. He was accompanied by a delegation including Dr. Nicholas Entrikin, Vice President & Associate Provost for Internationalization, Dr. Frances Shavers, Chief of Staff and Special Assistant to the President, Mr. Dave Morrissey, Assistant Vice President for University Relations, and Dr. Jonathan Noble, Provost’s Advisor for Asia Initiatives and Director of the Asia Office.

Notre Dame Community on the Great Wall

Fr. Jenkins meets with Dr. Donald Tsang, Chief Executive of Hong Kong

By the Notre Dame Tree at the Tsinghua Centenary Garden

Fr. Jenkins with Dr. SHI Changxu (left) and Dr. GU Yijian (right)
The delegation visited Hong Kong, Beijing, and Tokyo where they met with various government and university leaders, as well as alumni, current, incoming, and prospective students. In Hong Kong, Fr. Jenkins met with Dr. Donald Tsang, Chief Executive of Hong Kong. He also met with officials from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, the University of Hong Kong, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, where Notre Dame has an undergraduate student exchange program. In Beijing,Fr. Jenkins met with Dr. HAO Ping, Vice Minister of Ministry of Education, Dr. GU Binglin, president of Tsinghua University, and Dr. Zhou Qifeng, president of Peking University. Tsinghua and Peking Universities are the two top-ranked universities in China. These meetings are part of a university effort to strengthen Notre Dame’s reputation abroad, develop relationships with government leaders, and forge new partnerships with leading universities in the region. At an event held at the China Club in Beijing with university presidents, China and U.S. government officials, corporate leaders, and distinguished alumni in Beijing, Fr. Jenkins honored two scholar alumni: Dr. GU Yijian and Dr. SHI Changxu. Dr. GU Yijian, an organometallic chemist, graduated in 1950 with a master’s degree; he is the former secretary of the China Academy of Sciences. Dr. SHI Changxu, a metal and material specialist, received his doctorate from Notre Dame in 1952. He is a member of the China Academy of Sciences and a recipient of the “2010 National Top Science and Technology Award.” On the last day in Beijing, the Notre Dame Asia Office and the Alumni Club in Beijing jointly hosted a trip to the Great Wall. Alumni, current, incoming, and prospective students, and their families attended. Fr. Jenkins addressed the attendees from atop the wall, emphasizing the importance of growing the Notre Dame community in Asia. At the final stop in Tokyo, Fr. Jenkins was warmly received by the Notre Dame Club in Japan. He and his delegation also discussed new collaborations with Professor Atsushi Seike, president of Japan’s leading private university Keio University.
Fr. Jenkins’ visit to Hong Kong, Beijing, and Tokyo represents Notre Dame’s continued commitment to strengthening international partnerships in the region.
Internship Program with IBM China Research Lab
For the second consecutive year, the University of Notre Dame has been running a summer internship program with IBM’s China Research Lab in Beijing. This summer, from June 13 to August 16, eight participants including the ND graduate students in Computer Science, graduate students from the City College of New York, and undergraduate students from Union College are in the program. Interns are assigned an individual project they work on throughout the summer with the guidance of a mentor. The program is coordinated through the University of Notre Dame’s Asia Office in collaboration with the the International Office, the College of Engineering, and the Career Center.

2011 Summer Interns at IBM

Jun Yi (left) and Roger Chang (right) are at work
易军(左)和Roger Chang (右) 在工作中
Interns from University of Notre Dame included Jun Yi, Tian Jiang, and Zhanwei Sun. Sun is a fourth year graduate student in Electrical Engineering. At school, his work pertains to cognitive radio. His current project at IBM is the Internet of Things. Jiang is a first year PhD student in Applied Mathematics. Her thesis research pertains to numerical methods. Her project at IBM focuses on the optimization of cold chain logistics in Hainan. She is building a model to balance the remaining shelf life of fruits and the cost of the whole logistics. This is part of a larger consulting project her team is working on. Yi is a graduate student in computer science. His research at school focuses on real time systems and wireless networks, which is to provide wireless, instead of traditionally wired, real-time service to all existing real-time application domain, such as automated factory, e-home, and flight, etc. At IBM, Yi is researching on low power design in cognitive networks, aiming to provide high bandwidth and low power consumption to network users.
Matthew Graveley and Alethea Schepperly are senior undergraduate students at Union College in Schenectady, NY. Graveley, a Bio-mechanical Engineering major is researching the processes and machinery used to treat wastewater that is contaminated with solid particulates and oils. The aim of his project is to better understand these processes in order to assist with the development of a more efficient method of processing data collected from wastewater treatment systems. Schepperly, a Chinese and East Asian Studies major, is researching the integration of Social Networking and Cross-Cultural Collaboration in order to understand user behaviors.
Jay Yao and JianHong Li are graduate students in Computer Science at the City College of New York. Jay and his mentor are trying to integrate the existing data mining algorithm to the IBM spatial database software development kit. Li is writing programs to save metadata of videos in database, in order to retrieve the information back from the database whenever needed, and to count vehicles from traffic videos. Another student from CCNY, Roger Chang recently graduated with an M.S. in Chemical Engineering. His research background is in renewable energy. He also spent several years as a journalist. His project this summer is writing an article about the Smart Grid.
When being asked about this internship experience at IBM China Research Lab, Zhanwei Sun from University of Notre Dame said, “I like this IBM-CRL internship program so much. From a career point of view, this program provides us a great opportunity to work in one of the most competitive companies, with some of the most talented people in the world. Personally, I benefit a lot from interacting with people from different backgrounds and working on different projects. My colleagues here are very nice and hospitable, and the work environment is relaxed. Besides, as a native, I can enjoy the long-missing fun living in my home country and get together with my old friends occasionally.” Alethea Schepperly from Union College commented she was having a wonderful experience working with her team: “I have met so many people, all of whom have been very helpful in assisting me with my project. I think this program is very beneficial for a number of reasons. For example, working abroad is a great opportunity to gain exposure to a new culture, practice Chinese, and work with different types of individuals in a foreign environment. This program has been a fantastic learning opportunity and we're all so fortunate to have this experience.”
圣母诺特丹大学与IBM中国研究院合作暑期实习项目已经进入第2个年头了。今年6月13日至8月16日,8名分别来自圣母诺特丹大学计算机科学系、纽约城市大学和美国联邦学院的研究生和本科生参与了本年度暑期实习。实习生们每人有一名指导老师,带领着他们进行不同项目的研究和开发。该实习项目由圣母诺特丹大学亚洲办事处, 国际处,工程学院和就业指导中心共同组织协调。
今年来自圣母诺特丹大学的三名实习生为蒋恬, 孙占伟 和易军。孙占伟是电气工程系第四年的研究生,他在学校的研究方向是认知无线电。在IBM实习期间他的研究项目是物联网。蒋恬是应用数学系博士一年级的学生,博士论文集中于数值方法的研究。她在IBM的研究项目是海南岛冷链物流的最优化,为此她正在构建一个模型,期望在水果的剩余货架期和整体物流成本控制间找到一个最优平衡点。该项目是她所在研究组正进行的一个研究课题的一部分。易军 是计算机科学系的研究生,他在学校的研究着眼于实时系统和无线网络,探索为自动化工厂、智能化家庭、航班等各种实时应用领域提供实时的无线网络服务,以代替传统的有线服务。易军在IBM的研究项目 是认知网络的低能耗设计,旨在为网络用户提供低能耗、高带宽的网络服务。
Matthew Graveley和Alethea Schepperly是纽约州斯克内克塔迪市联邦学院的大四学生。Matthew Graveley的专业是生物力学工程,他的实习项目是研究对固体颗粒和石油污染的水资源治理中的工艺和设备,该研究的目的在于更好的理解这些工艺,以更有效率的处理从废水治理系统中收集到的数据。Alethea Schepperly的专业是中国和东亚研究,她正在研究的项目是社交网络和跨文化合作间的结合,以更好地理解用户行为。
姚君杰 和李健宏是纽约城市大学计算机科学系的研究生。姚君杰和他的指导老师在做的项目是将现有的数据挖掘算法与IBM的空间数据库软件开发包相整合。李健宏正在编写可保存数据库中视频资料元数据的程序,以随时检索取得数据库中的信息。该程序可以用于从交通视频中计算机动车流量。另一个实习生Roger Chang 刚刚从纽约城市大学获得化学工程系硕士学位,研究领域是可再生能源。他曾经做过几年的记者,现在IBM撰写一篇关于智能电网的文章。
当被问到过去一个月在IBM中国研究院的实习经历时,来自圣母诺特丹大学的孙占伟说:“我太喜欢这个项目了。从事业发展的角度来说,这次实习让我们有幸能在世界上竞争最激烈的公司之一与最有才华的同事们一起工作。从个人角度来说,我能够与不同背景的人一起参与各种不同项目的工作,受益匪浅。我的同事们都非常友好热情,工作环境也很轻松。作为一个中国人,我已经好久没在自己的祖国工作、生活、和老朋友聚会了,回家的感觉真的很棒。”来自联邦学院的Alethea Schepperly称与她的团队在一起工作的经历好极了:“我遇到了许许多多非常热情帮助我进行研究项目的人。我觉得这次实习带给我的帮助非常大。我有机会接触到新的文化,练习汉语,还能在全新环境中与不同的人打交道。这对我来说是一次极佳的学习机会,我们能够获得这样的机会真的非常幸运。”
SIBC ND Asia Internship
For the second consecutive summer, the Notre Dame Asia Office hosted two undergraduate interns from the Student International Business Council. SIBC is the largest student organization at Notre Dame with approximately 300 members spanning the five undergraduate colleges. Each summer it coordinates a limited number of internship positions across the globe.
This summer, Qiancheng “Verona” Lu, a sophomore Accounting and Studio Art double major, and Christine D’Alessandro, a junior Political Science major and Journalism minor, each spent one month in Beijing. During their time, they met with prospective applicants to Notre Dame and surveyed alumni in the Beijing area in order to gather suggestions regarding strategies for how Notre Dame may better promote the University’s academic mission in China. The interns also participated in developing new bi-lingual promotional materials. They also worked on forging an emerging partnership between SIBC and the Student International Communication Association at Peking University in order to create global projects that encourage student collaboration. In early February, a delegation of Peking University students are planning to visit Notre Dame for a joint conference with SIBC. They plan to tour the university and visit Chicago to present to business leaders.

Christine, the SIBC intern (left) working with Miranda, Asia Office Staff
SIBC实习生Christine (左) 同亚洲办事处工作人员马兰一起工作
In addition to placing interns globally throughout the summer, during the school year, SIBC also runs case studies in five major areas: accounting, finance, marketing, consulting, and global development. Last spring the organization carried out 30 case study projects. At the end of each semester, teams of students present their findings to company leaders. This offers students a chance to apply what they learn in the classroom to real world scenarios while offering companies the chance to seek out new talent and find innovative solutions to problems. Currently SIBC students work on cases for Target, Coca-Cola, Boston Consulting Group, Deloitte, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Ernst & Young, KPMG, IBM, and many others.
今年夏天,会计和艺术设计双学位大二学生陆钱诚和副修新闻专业的政治学系大三学生Christine D’Alessandro在位于北京的亚洲办事处实习了一个月。他们与高中学生会面,在校友群开展调查,集思广益,商讨如何推动圣母大学在中国的教育事业。。实习生们还参与了帮助办公室制作双语宣传材料。此外,他们还代表SIBC与北京大学学生国际交流联合会商谈如何建立合作关系。该协会计划在明年二月组织北大学生代表团访问圣母大学,参加与SIBC共同举办的会议,并在芝加哥访问各大公司,拜会商界领袖。
Internships in Asia
Various summer internship opportunities are available to students in China, as well as other countries in Asia. This summer, Danny McMurtrie, a sophomore Finance and Chinese major interned at the Jun He Law Firm in Beijing. Jun He Law was one of the first private law firms in China, and is currently one of the largest law firms in the country. Danny is working in the Mergers and Acquisitions Department, primarily on arbitration cases. His work involves interpreting legal contracts to ensure proper legal citations. Having only studied elementary Chinese, Danny finds this challenge both rigorous and rewarding. His language proficiency is improving drastically thanks to the help of his mentors Mr. Tibor Baranski and Mr. Liu Ge.
Another recently created position is with Caixin Media, a media group with a financial and business focus. Michael Sabella, a senior, performed translations between Chinese and English, polished English articles, and conducted high-level English-language research to support staff members. He also attended press conferences at the Polish Embassy and Tsinghua University and produced articles. Students in this position gain valuable insight into the workings of an international media group and are able to practice their own journalism skills. Other students held internships at IBM’s China research lab and Cummins in Beijing, as well as Allbright Law in Shanghai, the Far Eastern Group headquartered in Taipei, and an array of financial institutions throughout East Asia (Note: Jeff Fisher, president of the Notre Dame Club in Hong Kong, helps to arrange dozens of internships each summer.) The Asia Office is working with Notre Dame’s Career Center and Corporate Relations to increase the array of internship opportunities throughout Asia.

Deanna Kolberg represents Roots & Shoots at a networking event
Deanna Kolberg代表根与芽出席活动
Notre Dame’s Kellogg Institute for International studies also places students in China for eight week internships. This summer, Anne Huntington, a senior, volunteered through World Teach, a non-profit NGO that “provides opportunities for individuals to make a meaningful contribution to international education by living and working as volunteer teachers in developing countries.” She taught English in a local school in Hunan Province of China and engaged in other community projects. Yun Jung (Eunice) Kim, a sophomore, interned at the Dongba Center of Compassion for Migrant Children, a non-profit organization in Beijing that aims to improve the lives of children of migrant workers. Kim assisted with developing publication materials, organize surveys and manage volunteers. She also tutored Korean and English in summer programs, as well as assisting in organizing recreational activities. A third placement for students is the Hutong School in Beijing. Deanna Kolberg, a sophomore, worked with the Jane Goodall Institute of China, in their Roots & Shoots program, an environmental and animal welfare action program for students. She helped develop their annual report, worked on promotional materials, translated information, and represented the organization at various events. She also assisted with the R&S summer program, where she led an activity at an organic farm outside of Beijing.
在中国和亚洲其他国家,学生们有机会参加各类实习。今年暑假,金融和中文双学位学生Danny McMurtrie在君合律师事务所北京分所找到了一份实习机会。君和律所是中国最早成立的第一批私人律师事务所之一,现在是全国最大的律所之一。Danny在并购部做仲裁的案子,他的工作是解释法律合同,确保引用的法条准确可行。这项工作对中文只有初级水平的Danny 来说非常有挑战性 ,但也让他收获良多。在他的实习指导白仁杰先生和刘歌先生的帮助下,Danny的中文水平突飞猛进。
另外一家为学生们提供实习机会的公司是财新传媒,这是一家主要报导金融和商业的媒体。圣母诺特丹大学的大四学生Michael Sabella在这家媒体进行中英翻译、编辑校对英文稿件,并帮助同事们进行英文方面的研究。实习期间他参加了波兰使馆和清华大学的新闻发布会,并撰写了新闻稿。这个实习机会让Michael能够在国际媒体集团中获得珍贵的经验和体会,并能锻炼自己新闻业的从业技能。
还有一些学生在IBM中国研究院, 康明斯北京分公司,上海锦天城律师事务所,台北远东集团, 及东亚各国一些金融机构中实习。(注:感谢圣母香港校友会主席Jeff Fisher帮助学生们安排了许多实习。)圣母诺特丹大学亚洲办事处正与就业指导中心和公司关系部共同为学生们扩展在亚洲的实习机会。
圣母诺特丹大学凯洛格国际研究院也在帮助学生们介绍在中国的实习机会。大四学生Anne Huntington今年暑假通过World Teach, 一家介绍教师志愿者在发展中国家教英语的非营利机构成为了一名志愿者,她在中国湖南省的一所当地学校教英语,同时从事其他的社区活动。大二学生金润廷在位于北京的打工子弟爱心会东坝活动中心实习。在这个致力于改善外来务工人员子女的生活状况的非营利组织中,金润廷帮助工作人员制作宣传材料,组织市场调查,管理志愿者等等。她还给暑期班的学生辅导韩语和英语,并协助组织一些娱乐活动。北京的胡同学校给和大二学生Deanna Kolberg找到了机会。Deanna Kolberg在珍·古道尔中国研究院的根与芽项目工作,该项目致力于带领年轻人进行环境保护,提高动物福利。Deanna Kolberg帮助该组织撰写年报,制作宣传材料,翻译有关信息,并作为组织代表参加一些社会活动。她也在根与芽暑期项目里领导组织了京郊某有机农场的活动。
Inaugural Scholar-Ambassador Delegation to East Asia
May 25-June 4, 2011, the University of Notre Dame sent its first delegation of university scholar-ambassadors to East Asia. The purpose of the delegation was to facilitate the development of academic linkages between the University of Notre Dame and leading Universities in East Asia, as well as to strengthen faculty collaboration in research and teaching with colleagues in East Asia.

Delegation at Yonsei University

Prof. Susan Blum giving lecture at Renmin University
Susan Blum教授在人民大学作学术讲座
The members of the delegation were all distinguished faculty in their respective academic disciplines and included Professor Susan Blum, incoming Chair of the Department of Anthropology, , Professor Agustin Fuentes, Director of the Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts and Professor of Anthropology, Professor Robert Gimello, Research Professor of Theology and East Asian Studies, and Professor Maura Ryan, Associate Dean of the College of Arts & Letters and Professor of Theology.
The inaugural scholar-ambassador delegation, coordinated by Notre Dame’s new Asia Office in Beijing and led by the Asia Office’s director, Dr. Jonathan Noble, focuses on Notre Dame’s distinctive strengths in the humanities.
During the trip to Hong Kong, Beijing and Seoul, the scholar-ambassador delegation met with faculty and students in their respective fields from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Peking University, Renmin University, Seoul National University, Yonsei University, and Sogang University. In Beijing, Prof. Susan Blum gave a lecture titled “Framing Higher Education, Anthropologically” at Renmin University and a group of over 60 alumni, current and incoming students attended the welcome dinner for the delegation. “The inaugural scholar-ambassador delegation aimed to facilitate the development of new faculty-to-faculty research and teaching relationships that are critical for forging truly collaborative partnerships between the University of Notre Dame and leading universities in East Asia,” remarked Jonathan Noble. “I trust the delegation’s visit to East Asia will result in tangible results—including an increase in the exchange of faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate student, new research symposia, as well as new innovative web-based collaborative classes.”
The delegation was generously funded by the University of Notre Dame’s Provost Office, International Office, and a grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Language program.
本次代表团的成员均为在我校在各自学科领域的知名教授:人类学系即将到任系主任,人类学教授Susan Blum;文科类学术研究支持协会会长、人类学教授Agustin Fuentes;神学与东亚研究教授Robert Gimello;文科学院副院长、神学教授Maura Ryan。代表团由亚洲总监刘战博士带队,并由我校在北京新成立的亚洲办事处组织筹办。
代表团访问了香港中文大学、北京大学、人民大学、首尔国立大学、延世大学和西江大学,与各自领域内的学者教授及学生们会面座谈。Susan BLUM 教授在人民大学作了题为“从人类学角度构建高等教育”的学术讲座。在北京,60余名各界校友、在校生及即将入校新生等参加了为代表团举行的欢迎晚宴。领队刘战博士说:“首支学者大使代表团旨在推动教师间的研究与教学的合作,这种合作对于培育圣母诺特丹大学与东亚一流大学间真正的协作关系是至关重要的。我相信代表团到访东亚会带来实质性的效果 –包括组织教师和学生的交流计划,研讨会,创新型网络合作课程等等。”
Joint Conference with Chinese University of Hong Kong: Christianity in Asia: Past, Present, and Future
Between May 26 and May 28, 2011, The University of Notre Dame and the Chinese University of Hong Kong hosted a joint conference entitled: Christianity in Asia: Past, Present, and Future. The conference aimed to promote new scholarship and inter-disciplinary scholarly exchange about Christianity in Asia, in addition to increasing academic collaboration between Notre Dame and CUHK.
The Conference was sponsored by the Lanson Foundation and the Chinese University of Hong Kong ‘s Chung Chi College, in addition to the University of Notre Dame’s Office of the Provost, International Office, Kellogg Institute for International Studies, and Center for Asian Studies.. It was co-organized by the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies and the Centre for the Study of Religion and Chinese Society at Chung Chi College and the University of Notre Dame’sCenter for Asian Studies, Kellogg Institute for International Studies, Asia Initiatives, and Notre Dame Asia Office.

Group photo of Conference Participants
Note: For more photos of the conference, please click here
The conference included 35 participants, including 12 from Notre Dame and 10 from CUHK. The remaining scholars attended from the United States, Italy, England, Korea, China, and Macau. The main topics of the conference included, the Ecumenical Movement and Political Dimension of Christianity in Asia, Biblical Translation and Christian Literature in Asia Historical and Transnational Dimensions of Christianity in Asia, Religion and Ethnographies in Asia Christianity and Business Ethics in China, Christianity and Bioethics in China, and Inter-religious Dimensions of Christianity in Asia.
As representatives from University of Notre Dame, Professor Gregory Sterling, Dean of Graduate School, Professor Howard Goldblatt, Director of Center for Asian Studies, and Dr. Jonathan Noble, Director of the Asia Office, attended the opening ceremony and addressed the conference participants and honored guests. “This conference represents Notre Dame’s commitment to expanding and deepening the University’s scholarly exchange with colleagues in Asia,” remarked Jonathan Noble. “Collaborating with CUHK on organizing this conference has been a rewarding experience, and we hope the new partnership will result in future research collaborations, including scholarly publications and other conferences.”
本次学术会议由Lanson Foundation, 香港中文大学崇基学院,圣母诺特丹大学常务校长办公室、国际处、凯洛格国际研究院及亚洲研究中心与共同赞助,经香港中文大学文化及宗教研究系, 崇基学院宗教与中国社会研究中心, 圣母诺特丹大学亚洲研究中心, 凯洛格国际研究院及亚洲办事处共同筹办。
我校研究生院院长Gregory E. Sterling教授,亚洲研究中心主任Howard Goldblatt教授及亚洲总监刘战博士出席了开幕式并致欢迎辞。刘战博士说,“本次会议显示了圣母诺特丹大学扩展并深化与亚洲大学学术交流的决心。与香港中文大学共同组织这次会议是一次非常有益的经历。我们希望这次的合作是未来更多研究型合作的开始,例如共同出版刊物及组织更多的学术会议。”
China Business and Culture Summer Program
The 6-credit academic program is designed to provide students with the opportunity to explore, experience, and examine business and culture in China today. The program is open to any full-time Notre Dame undergraduate who is in good academic standing. Previous study of Chinese is not required. The program situates its learning environment in the 4 major cities of Greater China: Taipei, Hong Kong, Beijing, and Shanghai. Prof. Jonathan Noble teaches the course “Culture in China Today,” which provides a general introduction to China's history, cultures, and peoples and explores the ways in which culture intersects with the business world. Prof. George Enderle instructs the course “Business in China Today,” which explores how Chinese, joint venture, companies and foreign companies operate in China. The Office of International Studies and Asia Office jointly coordinate the program.
This summer, the program runs from May 19 to June 29 with 21 juniors, sophomores and freshmen from Mendoza College of Business, College of Arts and Letters, College of Science and First Year of Studies. While traveling in the metropolises, students visit major Chinese and international companies, attend lectures by guest professors and business leaders, and interact with Chinese students both in formal and informal settings. This helps prepare them for developing both the knowledge and practical skills that are necessary in a rapidly globalizing world. Lecture topics this year covered Chinese art, law, media, government & politics, history, religions, andyouth culture, in addition to business management. Formal visits included the Far Eastern Group, the American Institute in Taiwan, IBM China Research Lab, Reuters, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Shanghai World Financial Center, Franklin Templeton Sealand Fund Management, Baosteel Group Corporation, among others. In Taiwan and Beijing, students conducted group research projects about youth culture with students from Yuan Ze University and the University of International Business and Economics. Students also have time for visits to significant cultural and historical sites including the Great Wall of China, the Forbidden City, Hong Kong National GeoPark, and the Taipei 101 skyscraper.
该课程给学生们提供了一个探索、体验和研究当今中国商业和文化的机会。课程共计6个学分,所有学术记录良好的学生均可申请,且无须先修中文。该课程在台北、香港、北京、上海四大城市进行教授。Prof. Jonathan Noble教授“当今中国文化”课程,该课程介绍了中国的历史、文化、民族等内容,并对文化与商业间的相互影响进行了探讨。Prof. George Enderle 教授“当今中国商业”课程,探讨本地公司、合资和外资公司如何在中国进行运作。该暑期项目是由圣母诺特丹大学国际办公室和亚洲办事处共同组织协调的。
今年5月19日至6月29日,21名来自门多萨商学院、文科学院、理科学院和新生学院的大一到大三学生参与了该项目的学习。学生们在这些国际化大都市里参观访问各大本土和国际公司,参加客座教授和商界领袖的讲座,并与中国学生进行交流。这些活动让学生们学习到一些在当今这个高速全球化的世界必需的知识与技能。。学术讲座的内容除了商业管理外,更是涵盖中国艺术、法律、媒体、政府和政治、历史、宗教和青年文化。学生们也有机会访问远东集团,美国在台协会,IBM 中国研究院,路透社,中国工商银行,上海世贸中心,宝钢集团,国海富兰克林基金等商业公司、媒体和NGO。在台北和北京,同学们还分别与元智大学和对外经济贸易大学的同龄人共同进行了关于青年文化的研究项目。学习之余,同学们也参观了一些重要的历史文化景点,如北京的长城、故宫、香港国家地质公园,台北故宫博物院和101大楼等。
Dr. Nicholas Entrikin, Vice President, University of Notre Dame attended Tsinghua University Centenary Celebration
On April 23 and 24, 2011, Tsinghua University hosted the Global Summit of University Presidents (GSUP) 2011 and the university’s Centenary Celebration. About 300 presidents and representatives from over 130 universities all over the globe attended the events. Dr. Nicholas Entrikin, Vice President and Associate Provost for Internationalization, and Dr. Jonathan Noble, Director of the Asia Office, attended the Centenary Celebration and the Global Summit.

VP Entrikin (right) shakes hands with Dr. Gu Binglin, President of Tsinghua University
At the opening of GSUP, welcomes were made by Professor Guiren Yuan, Minister of Education, Professor Binglin Gu, President of Tsinghua University, and Professor Henry T. Yang, Chairman of the Association of Pacific Rim Universities and Chancellor, University of California, Santa Barbara. Madame Yandong Liu, State Councilor at the State Council, gave the keynote address. Breakout discussions were held under the topics of University Governance, Interdisciplinary Research Development, Social Responsibilities of Leading Universities, Trends in International Collaboration, and Strategic Planning for Universities.
The Centenary Ceremony of Tsinghua University took place at Great Hall of the People on the morning of April 24. Chinese President HU Jintao addressed the convention. In honor of the anniversary, Dr. Entrikin planted a tree in the name of Notre Dame in the Centennial Garden of Tsinghua University, commemorating the friendship and collaboration between the two universities.
Professor Binglin Gu, President of Tsinghua University, had been a visiting scholar at the University of Notre Dame in the 1980s. Dr. Entrikin and Dr. Noble were delighted to have the opportunity to congratulate President Gu in person on the achievements of Tsinghua University on this important occasion. The University of Notre Dame is partnering with Tsinghua University on a number of new programs, including the inaugural iSURE program (international summer undergraduate research experience), and the two universities are discussing opportunities to expand the relationship.
教育部部长袁贵仁教授,清华大学校长顾秉林教授,环太平洋大学联盟主席,加州大学圣芭芭拉分校校长 Henry T. Yang教授分别在GSUP开幕式上致欢迎辞。国务委员刘延东女士发表了主题演讲。与会校长及代表们就以下五大话题进行了讨论:大学治理,跨学科研究发展,大学的社会责任,国际合作之趋向,以及大学的战略规划。
清华大学校长顾秉林教授曾于20世纪80年代在圣母诺特丹大学作过访问学者。倪克博士与刘战博士很高兴能在清华建校百年之际亲自到场向顾秉林校长表示祝贺。圣母诺特丹大学与清华大学正就几个新的项目展开合作,其中包括今年刚刚启动的 iSURE 项目(暑期国际本科生研究计划)。两校正在积极探讨更广泛的合作关系。
Greater China Scholarship Program
2011 marked the inaugural year of the Greater China Scholarship Program. The Greater China Scholarship is supported by the Li Ka Shing Foundation and generous alumni, parents, and friends of the University of Notre Dame. Scholarship winners are expected to demonstrate a strong commitment to the betterment of society and a promising capacity for global leadership, in addition to outstanding academic excellence.
There were approximately 400 applicants to Notre Dame from Greater China this year. Of these, the top 20 were selected as finalists. From March 26 to 28, the Notre Dame Asia Office hosted a Greater China Scholarship weekend for the finalists. Over the course of the weekend, finalists participated in individual interviews, group activities, and other interactive events. A selection committee consisting of 8 ND faculty members and outstanding alums observed and evaluated the candidates. Some alumni, parents, and current students studying in Beijing also attended the event and interacted with the scholarship finalists. Dr. Tom Burish, Provost of Notre Dame was also present, representing the university’s commitment to the inaugural scholarship program..

Scholarship finalists with Provost Burish
奖学金入围选手与常务校长Tom Burish合影
After careful selection, three students, Ying Ying Mak, from Hong Kong, Nuohan Zhang, from Beijing, and Huili Chen, from Guizhou, were awarded full scholarships that cover the total cost of attendance, including tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, transportation, and living expenses for all four years of attendance. The total value of each scholarship is approximately US $250,000. Ms. Ying Ying Mak, of Saint Paul's Secondary School has maintained an outstanding level of academic performance and was ranked first in form/class for a couple of times. She is active in a range of extra-curricular activities including choir, debate, and the Legion of Mary. This past year, she served as Editor-in-Chief of her school yearbook. Ms. Mak was among one of few receiving the 2009 Distinction Award in the China Outstanding Student (Hong Kong) Selection of the Da Vinci Foundation. She has also earned her the 2010 Platinum Award of the school's Paulinian Award Scheme. Ms. Nuohan Zhang, of The High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China, worked with the Hope Project to attain education equality for the children of Beijing’s migrant workers. As a Wings Project Scholar at Beijing Normal University, she studied soil respiration for two years and hopes to pursue her academic interests in business, sociology, and environmental protection at Notre Dame. Ms. Huili Chen of Guiyang No.6 High School worked extensively with underprivileged children in Guizhou—one of the poorer regions of China – teaching basics of hygiene, introducing music, and raising funds for recreational equipment, such as ping-pong tables and badminton nets. She is interested in studying accounting, philosophy, and economics.
Two Notre Dame current students, Ms. Jiayi Lou and Ms. Ruoqing Huang, have been helping this summer at the Notre Dame Asia Office in fund-raising efforts to support this program. In addition, thanks to the continued support from the Li Ka Shing Foundation, students applying to Notre Dame for admission in fall 2012 will also be eligible for the Greater China Scholarship.
在李嘉诚基金会和圣母诺特丹大学校友、家长和朋友们的慷慨赞助下, 大中华奖学金项目得以于2011年正式启动。该奖学金计划旨在选拔具有突出学术成就和非凡领导力潜质,并以改善社会为己任的获奖者。
2011年来自大中华地区的申请人达400名之多,其中最优秀的20名进入了最后的决赛。3月26日至28日,圣母诺特丹大学亚洲办公室举行了一场奖学金周末会活动。 所有的入围选手在周末期间进行了个人面试和集体项目的选拔,并参与了一系列交流活动。一个由八名来自我校的教授和校友组成的选拔委员会对个入围选手进行了观察和评估。一些校友、家长和在京学习的在校生也参加了这次活动,并与入围选手进行了交流。常务校长Tom Burish也亲自到场,充分显示了校领导对首届大中华奖学金项目的关注和支持。
经过激烈角逐,来自香港的麦迎盈,北京的张诺涵和贵州的陈荟莅拔得头筹,各自荣获高达25万美元的全额奖学金。奖金足以支付大学四年在学期间的全部学杂费、住宿费、生活费、书本费和旅费。麦迎盈同学的学业成绩名列前茅,曾多次考试获全班或全级第一名。她亦非常积极参加课外活动,包括歌咏团、圣母军、朗诵、辩论以及义工服务等等。上一学年麦同学担任学校校刊的总编辑,负责编辑和出版年度校刊。凭着她优秀的学业成绩和多方面的课外活动经验,麦同学曾获得2009达芬奇基金会中国杰出学生(香港区)优异奖及 2010年Paulinian Award Scheme的白金奖。来自中国人民大学附属中学的张诺涵同学积极参与了希望工程,为北京外来务工人员子女能获得平等教育权利奔走呼吁。作为北京市科技创新翱翔计划的优秀学员,她在北京师范大学的实验室沉心研究了两年的土壤呼吸。步入圣母大学,她希望继续发展自己在管理,社会学和环境研究领域的兴趣。来自贵阳六中的陈荟莅同学深入中国最不发达的的省份之一:贵州的贫困山区,给孩子们教授基本卫生常识, 上音乐课,并筹款为孩子们建造乒乓球台和羽毛球场地。她的学习兴趣是会计、哲学和经济学。
为继续支持大中华奖学金项目,圣母诺特丹大学亚洲办公室于今年暑假组织了两名在校生--楼嘉怡同学与黄若卿同学,向大中华地区的圣母校友募集资金。此外, 李嘉诚基金会也已决定继续支持大中华奖学金项目,从而申请2012年入读圣母诺特丹大学的同学也有幸能获得这一奖项。